You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Goodbye, Buster

We picked up our puppy on Wednesday, after what had seemed to be a very long time but was actually only 30 days! He rode home on Conner's lap the entire way, sleeping and snuggling our boy who made sure to let us know how happy he was with this happy change. (We've been putting words to changes in his life and encouraging him tell us the happy and unhappy changes as he sees them).

Sadly, all hasn't continued on that happy plane. Upon arriving home we realized quickly that something was wrong - Buster couldn't see. It took us 2 days of watching and monitoring, and then testing to finally admit that our long awaited and already beloved puppy is indeed blind. We booked an appointment for yesterday, and they confirmed our worst fears; while Buster could have a productive life in a controlled environment, an acreage life is not the best option for this pup. One of the veterinarians that assessed him offered him a special needs home. It's up to the breeder though, so we've passed the information on in dire hopes he isn't destroyed.

The breeders are extremely apologetic and have given us pick of the litter for the next litter available (very soon), and we've arranged to take Buster back tonight. It's too hard to have him here any longer than needed. It's been heartbreaking for Mark and I to make the decision, and Conner hasn't really accepted that Buster has to leave us. I don't blame him!


So, hopefully soon we'll have a new puppy. Buster will never be replaced, he's too special a dog, even for the short time that we've gotten to love him. What's important is that we don't act selfishly and make Buster suffer for it, a lesson I'm hoping to impart on our children as responsible pet owners in the making.

Goodbye Buster, you'll be missed.


Sandi said...

oh that would be too hard. I don't know how I'd deal with it. So sorry :(

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

wow! nice blog for a starter,btw,i got here thru

AudreyO said...

That is really hard. One of my dogs went blind the last 2 years of his life and it is indeed really hard to have a blind dog.

~Crystal said...

Awwww...that's so sad, mostly for Conner. I know you & Mark understand better than the kids, but I do like your thoughts on teaching the kids responsible pet ownership. Conner may not understand now, but it is a valuable lesson in life. And no, Buster will never be replaced. You will carry him in your hearts forever!! :0)

Michelle said...

So sad. I hope you guys find a good match.

Anonymous said...

thanks for stopping by the organization blog :)

you are bookmarked now

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

sorry about not giving :( and hugs for your puppy. I saw the title and the date and thought you were talking about pres. bush, so I didnt read it. ... :;shepish:::

I am sorry :(

CeeCee said...

Too funny Stacey!

J.E.R.B. said...

I came across your blog when I searched in google "" I hope I'm not too late to share with you my blog, please visit and read about our blind puppy... please share the site with Buster's new family, maybe he can have a chance for a good life.