You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Few Days Away

Tomorrow night the hubby and kids are putting me on a plane, and they won't see me until Sunday afternoon! I'm headed out to British Columbia, to visit my grandmother. I promised her when we went out for Grandpa's funeral that I would be coming for a visit this fall. I realized, when I checked into flights to go to the funeral, that it was cheaper than I had expected - making it something attainable. I only wish I had checked before and could have visited grandad one last time.

So I'll be arriving at her house with a rented car and will be spending a few days, just Grandma and me. I'm looking forward to the time away from my family (I know it's bad), and hope I'm refreshed with a new perspective when I come home.

That means of course, that Mark will be on his own for a few days. It's amazing how much he gets done when I'm gone; last time he completely renovated the bathroom. It makes me wonder what it is that stops him from doing those things when I am at home? Ah well, I know I'm lucky to have a husband so willing to take on the kids and the house for a few days. He cooks and does the minimal cleaning and gets the kids to bed better than I do!

I'll be packing and doing laundry etc in preparations for my trip. I'll check in when I come home!


HeatherPride said...

A trip!! Have a great time, I've always wanted to head up to B.C.! Can I make a request for some photos?

Dorsey said...

Nothing bad about it! During my hubby's recent trips to the Philippines I would secretly envy him for being half way around the world and away from the daily grind of our household. But what are ya gonna do...he's our money maker. I'm just hoping to figure out a way to get him to agree to foot the bill for me to stay at a hotel over a weekend with a friend or two in our area. hehe

Have a fantastic visit!!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm a bit late. I hope you HAD a great time with your grandmother and that the hubby got more work done again!!