He is especially fond of Robyn's special plush mousie, so much so that Mousie now has to stay upstairs in her room so that she does not become a Maxie victim. I don't think Robyn would ever forgive him. We have plenty of toys for Max; chew toys, rope toys, rubber rings, but the puppy has discerning taste and shows a preference towards anything that is of the children's. It's working in my favor though! Toys left on the floor are prime puppy fodder and the kids are learning quickly to keep their stuff picked up. Yay!
Max is learning some commands. He has work to do and has been trying to dominate over the kids, so Mark and I are watching him and them closely and putting him in his place - at the bottom of the pack. He's still such a baby and I think because of his size, it's tempting to expect more of him than he's actually capable.
- Off - four paws on the floor
- No bite - not even nibble. Max can take my whole face in his mouth already at just over 9 weeks.. this one is very important for him to learn.
- Bedtime - he doesn't like kennel time, but is doing alot better at night with Sasha's bed outside his kennel door. She's unimpressed with the bedroom move from the living room to the kitchen. She gets over the pout when they both get their bedtime treat.
- Outside, Good pee - Max HATES going outside.
We're having lots of laughs and lots of learning! Can't wait to show pictures of our new baby. Camera cords still missing!
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