You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The 5 That Are Actually 4!

Earlier this week, Stacey at Taylor Tidbits tagged me with a list of 5 things .. but it's actually 4. Conner would have a difficult time with this and would try to get "someone" to fix it - but hey, I like it and don't want a fix! Sorry guy.

So here is my list:

1- Show both hands in writing something
I *still* haven't found my camera cords.. hmm maybe I should look into some organization tips! I'm slowly unpacking and discovering new things every day! Oh well.. it's not pretty. I'm a very strong righty.

2- list 5 of your 50/50's..
#1 Spring OR Summer

#2 Sushi OR


#3 Spring OR Autumn

#4 Puppy Breath OR

Freshly fluffed bedsheets

#5 Yellow OR Lavender

3- 5 pet peeves
#1 Noisy eating - yuck
#2 Passing on the shoulder
#3 Loud talking
#4 Closed Mindedness (yes it's a word!)
#5 Birds that sing at 4am

5- 5 things that don't mix well.
#1 Pet cats and Pet birds
#2 Puppies and Carpet
#3 Public + Fountain
#4 Grandparents and Pediatricians
#5 Apple + Cheese - though I know people that SWEAR it's good


HeatherPride said...

Totally with you on the noisy eating! EW!

Anonymous said...

thanks for playing, loved reading your thoughts.

and I do have an organizational blog if you are interested.. see it behind my user pic