You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Top Ten Reasons I'm NOT the World's Worst Mother

Another fun game from Good Enough Mama!

1. My kids eat their vegetables and like them (uncooked, raw). In fact, Conner thinks that Broccoli is a treat and tells me I'm the best Mom for letting him have it before supper even though he's not supposed to be snacking at that time.

2. I let me kids get dirty. I mean, down in the dirt, only thing showing is eyeballs dirty.

3. I take Mommy Time Outs. When I get frustrated and start losing my cool I announce that I need a time-out and I go to my office for 5 minutes. If Mark's home, I can close the door and take longer.

4. I play video games with my kids. OK, so this might put me in the other category on some lists.... Conner and I have been playing Spore together. Just the two of us chatting and working together on something. I relate it to working on a puzzle... but with more colors and movements!

5. I like to take vacations with my kids, which means for us, no exotic getaways. I'd much rather sit around a campfire staring at the stars with my kids while I have them. When they're outta the house I'm soooo leaving this country though! I'm sure I'll come back.

6. I go worm hunting. Yep, and I even put them on the hook. I hunt grasshoppers for bait too. In fact, Conner bestowed me the title of The Best Grasshopper Catcher this past summer.

7. I listen to "The Wiggles" songs in the van even though they make me want to veer into oncoming traffic.

8. I participate in the tiny nudist colony we have going, much to Mark's chagrine. I don't go totally naked, that's just scary, but the kids and I hang out in the summer in our undies more than the neighbors want to know.

9. I sometimes feed them peanut butter sandwiches for supper. OK another iffy one - but it makes the kids think I am the BEST Mom... who can argue with that?

10. I stopped smoking. Took me awhile, but approaching my one year anniversary and I needed a number 10 reason :)


~Crystal said...

First off, you are not even close to being the world's worst don't even think that!

Secondly, congratulations for quitting smoking!!!! I had no idea and I'm very proud of you!

Thirdly, peanut butter sandwiches are yummy for kids and playing video games with mommy is bonding time. Not too bad in my opinion.

Now you need to make a list of the Top Ten Reasons Why Your The World's Best Mother...I'd be interested in reading that one.

Anonymous said...

You sound like a great mom to me! And how did you quit smoking? Just curious... I have narrowed my smoking time down to just in the evenings... but now I am stuck there. Did you do cold turkey?

CeeCee said...

I actually used Laser Therapy - which is basically pressure points. This was my third time trying to stop - and after the initial horrible two weeks I found it fairly easy going, especially compared ot other methods I have tried.

I was a chain smoker, over a pack a day - to nothing. October 31 was my quit date :) One SCARY Halloween :p

Anonymous said...

Hey there! I've created a sequel to this game. Come on over and see! :)