You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten!

Conner's official first day of Kindergarten was today. He's had one 20 min orientation, one half day, and today was the first actual day. He'll be riding the bus, but I'm going to give my guy some time to adjust and learn the ropes first.

So... it went ok! The last glimpse I had of Conner as I left the room made me sad for him - his face showed his fear. He looked lost, confused and so unsure of himself. That's the part that's hard for me to handle - I have to let him find his feet, but what I really want to do is hold his hand and cheerlead him throughout his day. The teachers told me Conner did well when I went to pick him up. He hasn't looked into my face yet, after being home even for awhile, so I'm on alert... usually means things aren't ok inside of him.

One issue: choking kids on the slide. The teacher asked me if this is common and what I do for it. I told her quite honestly, yes he becomes over-aggressive and inappropriate and we have no idea what to do about it. He needs close monitoring when engaged in high activity play with other children. I don't know what happens, but he loses himself and starts hitting, pushing.. apparently choking other kids. It's partly why we pulled him from soccer. His OT suspects it's due to visual stiimulation overload. I have to think some more, but my only answer for the teacher is we don't put him in those situations because he can't handle himself...

So, some good, some bad... but overall we're home and no tears yet :) My guy's first day is over.


Anonymous said...

I so hear you on wanting to cheerlead your kid through his day. ME TOOO!!!!

I'm glad it went mostly well and hope that you and your ot can figure out the aggression.