You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Dose of Perspective

I've been in quite a huff over the last several days. So much so, that my husband has been suffering from a non-ending debate. I'm angry, bitter, and hurt on Mark's behalf at the treatment he has received by his now ex-employer. We have faced embarassment due the unlawful holding of his last paycheque... our mortgage was still due, as were the other normal monthly bills that we depend on his earnings to pay. Normally, we would have savings to keep us going - but ok, we spent them on our holiday. *cringe* Bad planning definitely - but neither of us expected the former emplyer to actually not pay what was owed. So, trying to explain that we should have the money to pay, but we don't and aren't sure when... I can't even describe how deeply embarrased I have been by it all.

I want revenge. I want everyone to know what has been done! Mainly, I want to fight back against the people that have treated my husband so poorly. He can handle himself, he's a big boy - but one of my own has been hurt and I feel like a Momma Bear on the hunt. So called friends who said to his face that he has been treated poorly turn around and have a hand in the last undignified act to spite my husband weeks after he has left.

My husband, being the wonderful man that he is, just wants to move on. He wants to leave it in the past and embrace the changes he and our family have made. I know he's right but I still think he should fight. I want blood.

So, long story short, it's been no picnic in our household. /sigh

In my daily web wanderings, I read a story from a member in one of my communities that gave me the kick in the ass I needed. I suppose I needed some perspective to get out of my funk. I've copied and pasted the story below:

There was a car accident near my home today. A lady was driving around when a little spider came down the windshield just in front of her eyes. So of course she got scared and swung the steering wheel back and forth.

As she did that, she struck a pedestrian that had almost finished crossing the street. The little old lady got killed on the spot.

20 min. later, a guy that works at the garage with me was coming to work and saw that there had been an accident. But he had to take another street as the police was blocking the road.

What this guy didnt knew is that the lady that was killed 20 min. earlier was his wife. We all found out when the cops came to the garage to tell him.

... The morale is... always take care of your loved ones, you never know when they'll be taken away.

I hurt for the people affected by this horrible accident, all of them. And on a more personal and selfish level I've decided to stop ranting about the injustice and unfair treatment (and a whole bunch of profane descriptions of one particular Manager).... and just let it go. In the big picture, it just doesn't matter.

Seriously letting go, as soon as this blog post ends ;)


~Crystal said...

I'm so sorry, and a bit ticked off as well, about what has happened to Mark...truely to your entire family. I can imagine, simply because I know him, that he wants to just let it go, but I can understand both of your sides. Letting go and moving on is much easier but wanting revenge is also a very normal reaction...especially when it concerns a loved one. I am proud of you for letting it go...don't lose any more sleep (or bad words) over it!! You guys sound like your moving ahead...keep going in that deserve it!

BTW, where would you guys consider moving to?

Anonymous said...

How awful. What a terrible way to be reminded to keep your loved ones close. Awful.