So... after watching big brother go to Little Steps for two years, how could I say no to: "Mommy me go Bigsteps." OK... so I'm the mom that has my kid in school at 2. Fine, we're ok with that.
On Monday, I fed her lunch, got her dressed in her brand new clothes and "pretty shoes" and we drove to school. I escorted my smiling, bubbly little girl into the classroom... and 10 minutes later backed out realizing I wasn't even going to get a goodbye. Ok, I told myself to stop feeling so forgotten; it's a good thing she has so much confidence!
At 3, I'm back at the school, waiting in the hallway for my princess to emerge from the classroom. Other children run to their Mommies with hugs and smiles and screams of delight. My Robyn??
Stood in the middle of the hallway, crying. Refusing to budge, tears streaming down her face and falling to the floor, she looked absolutely heart broken and determined in her resolve not to move. Of course, I ask her why she's crying:
Robyn: "Me not go home, stay at school!", was her loud wailing response.
Me: "But you come back on Wednesday, let's go home!" (said all happy and cheerful)
Robyn: "No". (Crosses arms and continues to wail).
At this point I realize she really won't come home, so I bodily usher her to the bench, change her shoes and drag her from the school by her hand, all the while maintaining the biggest smile on my face (but inside I'm wondering if the other parents and teachers are thinking and wondering why the child doesn't want to go home with her own mother). We got home, still crying, helped everyone inside and I went to the basement (to do laundry) and sniffed back the tears. I'm happy for my girl, but damn! I wasn't expecting her not to need me for at least another few years.
Ok dramatics aside, Robyn is in heaven. Both my kids are technically in school, so I guess that means we have crossed into the next stage.
Today's Day Two! Maybe we can make it home without any tears :) (edit - we made it home, almost without crying, then water works started when we pulled up to home)
And as an aside, while supper was cooking Monday night, Robyn grabbed her snuggle blanket and asked me to "nuggle" on the couch with her. So maybe she's not totally over needing me just yet.
Oh man, how cute she is!! Although it's not fun for you having to bring her home crying, it IS wonderful that she loves school so much!
Ahhhh....that's so cute and funny all at the same time. You had to know from day one that she was an independant little girl. I think she get's that from her mommy??? But that's just me guess?? LOL Don't worry mommy, she's not even close to not needing you. She's just so excited about getting to do what her big brother got to do. :0) Wait until she's'll have to drag her to school kicking and screaming. LOL
It will make a great story to tell her when she starts not wanting to go lol.
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