You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

PreHistoric Park, retold

On the way home from our BC vacation, we had an unexpected 9 hour stop in Valemount due to a car accident on the highway that caused it to shut down, both ways. As inconvenient as it was for us, I felt deeply for the familes involved in the crash.

After a long day of waiting and a bit of sight-seeing, we were back on the road to find that the highway wasn't completely open yet! To pass the time, I grabbed the video camera and asked the kids to perform. Normally, Conner is too shy and unsure of himself to speak when the camera comes on (even though he chatters endlessly when it's off!). To our surprise, Conner started reciting his version of his current favorite video, PreHistoric Park. He's watched it twice, the 4 episodes we have, and has personally elevated Nigel to the same status as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and God (his explanation to his grandparents was that they are all friends and talk on the phone).

I'm a proud mama, can't help but to be; it's in our very nature! But this little video represents a huge achievement and an indication of the progress he's made in such a short time. In the minimum, it shows the potential my guy has to show his personality. It's a glimpse into the boy I know as my son, but struggles with invisible barriers, to show that side of his dynamic personality to the outside world.


Anonymous said...

Oh, how cute is he? Sounds like my Little Man's chatter! :)

What exactly is Prehistoric Park? Sounds like something my guy would like, but I've never heard of it before...

Anonymous said...
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CeeCee said...

Hi kia, Try clicking the title for a direct link to the Prehistoric Park wiki, is the address. There is a bit of dinosaurs eating dinosaurs... not great for kids sensitive to that, but we've sat through with him and explained just to be sure.

I'm still shocked that he let me film him :) Caught him at just the right time!