You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Suck it up, Princess

While I most often blog about my son, I do have another child to whom I am as wholly devoted. Princess Robyn fills our lives with sunshine; her smiles can make the grey-ist of days shine with color. We are a lucky crew when she bestows us with her happiness. If the servants of the petty household displease Miss Robyn, or the day just isn't as she dictated it to be - well, sunshine is more akin to fire and brimstone.

Thankfully, Robyn is a pretty happy child.

The Princess disdains mud, poop, smelly dogs, wet dogs, bugs, flies (especially dead ones), snow, cold, hot, tall grass, pokey grass, sticks and almost everything to do with the out of doors. This poses a problem for us as an outdoors-y/camping-y kind of family. I've coached myself and Mark that we cannot force her to enjoy somethign that goes against ehr grain, but she will be exposed. She's 3 1/2 afterall... surely there's time to convert her?

Today may have been a step in the right direction! Wahooo! We all dressed up after lunch to go outside and with minimal grumbling and whining she suffered through the chore of exploring and playing in the melting snow with Mom and Conner. As long as I held her hand and kept the dogs at bay, she was able to somewhat enjoy the warm sunshine. But then something happened.. she saw Conner playing on a snowpile, laughing and having fun and decided she wanted in on it.

"Conner get me up!", she instructed.

"No Robyn, you gotta climb up yourself." I cheerfully replied.

Robyn looked at me like I was crazy. How in the heck was she supposed to get up there without falling or, heaven forbid, get dirty snow on her? But.... she tried it! And fell on her face. In the snow. *grimace*

Conner gallantly offered her a hand and before you know it, Princess was sliding down the snowpile with a giant grin!

"That was fun Mom!" That is a success worth celebrating. Maybe she wasn't born to the wrong family afterall?


Anonymous said...

awww I love it!

so fun and look at that snow :)

~Crystal said...

Nice to see a post about Robyn!! I can't get over how much she looks like you, more and more with every pic I see. :)

CeeCee said...

Aww thanks, I see glimpses of myself but only briefly. She's definitely a crowd pleaser when we go out and thrives on the attention.

Spasm: Our snow is finally melting. Today was the first day I sent the boy to school in rubber boots instead of winter ones!