You've stumbled into my corner...

I won't make promises or claims. This may become my platform for the issues that affect me and mine, and it might simply be a diary of my day.
Mundane, perhaps... but my precious moments just the same.

It's me without any make-up.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaaack

Yes, I'm back from relative obscurity. No, I didn't go anywhere fun or exciting, I just simply have been distracted and fell out of the habit of blogging. It's important to me so I'm back and have promised myself 2-3 weekly updates! Yay me!!

On the home-front, we've had a bit of a rough 3 months. Conner's undiagnosis (yes I made that up) is becoming an issue. His teachers, the O.T., and now the Family Student Liaison worker are unsure how to proceed with Conner's treatment not knowing the full story. So we've set up another round of appointments to hopefully find some answers.

Concerns for him are growing for emotional well-being and mental health. He has anger and impulse control issues that seem to be worsening now that he's attending school 3 times a week. Sometimes, the outbursts are so bad that he is physical towards others or verbalizes threats.

I'm scared. There seems to be so much going on with my little boy, yet the cause is so illusive. I feel as though he's getting lost even though he's right here in front of us.


On a positive note, Conner celebrated his 6th birthday at the Royal Tyrell Museum of Paleontology as a sleep-over with his dad. Robyn and I treated ourselves to relative comfort at a local hotel, snacking on chips and chocolate bars in bed while watching "Tree House" until 11pm. We don't have t.v.'s in our rooms at home, so she thought this was a great treat.

While he still maintains that he wants to be Nigel when he grows up, Conner's head has been turned towards his father's childhood hero - Indiana Jones. As long as we get to see smiles like this one, I don't care what he wants to call himself!


~Crystal said...

Welcome back to the blogging world!! Hopefully something can be done to help Conner. He's such a sweetie!!

Anonymous said...

good to see you back.

I have two children who have some 'special' circumstances. Please consider finding the book THE HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE CHILD by Ross Greene. This book saved my life. I am not diagnosing your sweet boy, I don't do that, but no matter what is going on in that sweet little body and head of his, this book really helps in dealing with children who struggle a little bit.


CeeCee said...

Thank-you :)

I'll look into that book - we're looking for anything we can do to help alleviate his anxiety.